Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How you know you need to make a change...

Oh hey, done with the heavy entries for a while until I need to vent to y'all again.  After my mom giving me her t-shirts fiasco I started to think about all the things you do when you have gained weight, you know the things that go through your head, the things you hide?  Okay, only I do this...that's perfectly fine, too.  Let me make you feel a little more normal.

Here is the way you know it is time to make a change...Okay, these are completely me, but it feels better to say you:

1. You got t-shirts from my mom.  No, it wasn't a present.  Nice thinking though...maybe you should have looked at it like that and you would have felt better about yourself.  Okay, now someone pulled your arm...they were a present.  FOR. BEING. TOO. BIG. for your own clothes.  Err, no present here just fatty clothes.

2. You ran through the house like a wild Comanche after realizing you had left one of the only pairs of pants that didn't have an elastic waist in the dryer far too long for any good to come out of it.  By the way, they were completely dry when you got there...shit.

3. When going on vacation you got there and realized you didn't pack hardly anything for yourself besides dresses.  If you have ever gained weight you know dresses are forgiving much longer than normal clothes.

4. Your scale is completely broken.  I mean some numbers come up, but they aren't what you really weigh.

5. You get on the scale multiple times just to make sure that, yep, that was the real number you saw.  {Hence #4...broken I tell ya!}

6. When you put clothes up to be rung up you notice that the tag is showing with the size [gasp] and quickly turn it down.  Like the sales lady didn't see it when she rung it up, folded it for you, put it in the bag, etc.  

7. You're secretly glad when your husband picks a restaurant that has no healthy choices.  I mean you are hungry and it would be rude to make him eat alone.

8. You tell yourself that that 5 pounds, then that 10 pounds...umm 15?  Is because of you period. 
 For the record it stopped working at 10. 

9.  You hold up clothes that once fit and it even looks too small.   
You would only understand this if you have been in this situation.   

10. You referred to you black sweat pants as ummm, are you ready for this?  Dressy sweat pants.  
P.S. there is no such thing as dressy sweat pants. 



  1. I 100% relate to this post. Thank you for being so brave to say how we feel and what we actually do to cope with weight gain! I need to get back on the old bandwagon as they say and get serious about losing weight. Thanks for putting some humor into this otherwise very difficult task!

    1. If I can't laugh at myself, then life is too serious. Sometimes I totally convince myself that I don't have a problem, by hiding it in the previous ways. Weight loss is difficult, but I am telling myself it will be worth it.

  2. #9 - YES. I am right there with you, sista. I am struggling to lose the baby weight and nothing fits. I keep trying to put on my clothes that used to be "big" on me and they're not even fitting. Ugh.

    1. Ugh, is totally right. That is the worst feeling. I have a closet FULL of awesome clothes that I will wear again..soon. :) Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it!

  3. Wow 4, 5, & 6 are totes me..... Have you been in my head lately?? BTW #2 made me laugh/snort in my office..and I got weird looks from my co-workers. Thanks for that :)

    1. You should have seen the face I made and the ridiculous effort I made to get there when I realized I had left them in there...like 5 seconds would make a difference.

  4. Yes - completely agree with you! I am also always doing #2, my hubby mostly does laundry and I'm constantly running to grab things out that SHOULDN'T get dried! And, I did #3 when we were just in Mexico! Love my dresses!!!! And, I'm pretty sure I did #5 this morning! LOL!!!

    1. My husband and shrunk SO many things that I just tell him not to do anything of mine...he still does though. I am thankful for his help, he just doesn't understand once you shrink it there is no going back.

  5. True. I've lost 60 pounds and I still have dressy sweat pants or rough days where I'm not feeling it.

    1. Congrats on your success! My husband laughs at my "dressy sweatpants" it is now a big inside joke. If we are going to a nice dinner or something he'll ask if I am wearing my dressy sweatpants. Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it! :)

  6. My most recent one was my wedding dress... I made it myself, and it looked HUGE when I had it done. I was utterly conviced I was going to have to take it in. Err, no... it totally fit exactly, and while that was an accomplishment in and of itself, it had nothing to do with my fitness. Womp, womp.

  7. Here's one.. when all you wear are Old Navy Capri Yoga pants because they have this cool "maternity like" waist band that you can lift up over your stomach so that it holds you in!
