Saturday, August 3, 2013

Instagram Recap

Time for Saturday Instagram Recap with Pearls & Curls!
Pearls and Curls

P.S. I promise these are Instagram pics, I use and app called Pic.Tap.Go and it uploads them without cropping.

New blog design coming soon!!!

Met this beautiful little lady this week...

This guy...

I unfortunately discovered my love for these...thanks Being the Mrs.
First day of training program...DONE!
Tuesday, our last day in FL...drinks by the pool..


  1. Sorry I am a bad influence Katelyn! They're so good though...I just had to share!

    1. They are good! You aren't a bad influence...I was the one who bought them. :)

  2. I LOVE the new design you've got in the works! Can't wait to see it live :)

  3. Oh I love those chips and now I am craving them! Thanks! I loveeee the new design I'm dying for one but have no idea where to even start!
